
17 de setembro de 2010

6 mil milhões de pessoas no mundo: 6 mil milhões (ou quase...) de maneiras de pensar...

Depois de "A Terra vista do Céu", Yann Arthus-Bertrand lança-se agora noutro projecto mundial que poderia muito bem chamar-se "o Homem visto do chão". O projecto consiste num conjunto de 5,000 entrevistas realizadas em 75 países e pretende traçar um esboço do que pensa o "comum dos mortais", na sua vida quotidiana, sobre um conjunto de questões que envolvem uma reflexão mais ou menos profunda.

"Everything began with a helicopter breakdown in Mali.
While I was waiting for the pilot, I spent a whole day talking with one of the villagers. He spoke to me about his daily life, his hopes and fears: his sole ambition was to feed his children.
I suddenly found myself plunged into the most elemental of concerns. He looked me straight in the eyes, uncomplaining, asking for nothing, expressing no resentment or ill will.
Later, I dreamt of understanding their words, of feeling what linked us. Because, from up there, the Earth looks like an immense area to be shared.
But as soon as I landed, problems emerged. I found myself confronted by inflexible bureaucracy and barriers laid down by men, symbols of the difficulty we have in living together."
Yann Arthus-Bertrand

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